Our leader scouting service gives you assurance today about the key positions you’ll be filling tomorrow:
- Based on the requirements profile of the future key positions, we collaborate with you in developing a customized Leader Investment Plan for the relevant positions and timeframe.
- Without wasting any time we begin the systematic process of screening and assessing the best candidates and continue to monitor their development until the time is ripe to actually fill the position.
- We form a potent candidate pool for each position.
- Once your organization is ready and gives us the green light, we move into the process of “mobilizing” the selected candidates.
Leader Scouting is the cutting edge tool that enables you to design and realize a strategic personnel development plan, benefiting from the full potential of leaders available on the market.
How well does your management perform?
- In a management audit we contrast the quality of your managers in key positions with the “Market” benchmark.
- In making our assessment we reflect on the actual and/or targeted leadership and performance culture and also take into account the shareholder structure with its set of individual objectives.
- The degree to which each manager fits into the defined leadership and performance culture can be judged with even greater precision by conducting a separate culture audit.
- Beyond that we also focus on the nature of the team mindset and cooperation among the members of management.
- Our conclusions are made against the backdrop of the client company’s strategic objectives and operational requirements. We also give clear recommendations as to development steps of the management team as a whole and/or for individuals.
Filling vacant seats in supervisory bodies and fulfilling the needs of the specific situation
- In consulting you on this delicate issue − the need to maintain the right “mix and balance” of the board – we carefully consider the company’s unique situation and alignment, also weighing other influential factors such as industry, business maturity and complexity and also the leadership and performance culture.
- In collaboration with shareholders, the supervisory board and top management, we apply our proven methods to analyze the company’s situation and needs as an objective, unbiased third party, generating transparency. We thus create the basis for sound, target-oriented and sustainable decisions.